Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Essential Eco-Friendly Wrapping Methods Explained

During the holiday season, the households throw away more than twenty-five percent trash than any other time of the year. The big part of the daunting number includes the material used for wrapping gifts. The shiny ornamental gifting paper, ribbons, etc., can't be recycled and ends up in landfills. The biggest issue is buying an excessive amount of these non-recyclable wrapping materials and then throwing them once the gifts are unwrapped.

Due to rising landfills of non-recyclable gift wrappers, new Eco Gift Wrapping materials are used as an alternate solution for wrapping papers. Here are some of the eco-friendly wrapping methods explained below.

Furoshiki – It is a Japanese method in which wrapping cloth was used to carry belongings traditionally, but it is being used as a popular alternative for gift wrapping paper. All you need is a two-sided square cloth and some basic folding skills.

Kraft paper – It is an excellent alternate for the gift-wrapping paper, and it is a Recyclable Wrapping Paper. You can use your creative mind to use the kraft paper and wrap your gifts with various decorative techniques.

Gift bags – Finding a gift bag is far simpler than you think. You can use a multipurpose bag as a gift bag. You can also create reusable and eco-friendly fabric gift bags.

Newspaper gift wrap – More and more people are switching from printed newspapers to digital news. Many of us have newspapers lying around the house that can be reused as gift-wrapping paper. 

Glass jars – This is another adorable way of wrapping gifts where all you have to overlook through the shelves for empty glass jars and reuse them for gifting. You can add a personal touch to decorate the jar; you can also use a cloth to wrap the jar and tie it up with twine.

By implementing the above methods and using the already available materials along with Mid Century Modern Cards, you can provide a personalized touch to the wrapping.

How Using Eco-Friendly Gift Wrappers Will Help The Environment?

 Sharing gifts during the festival seasons or during auspicious occasions shares happiness among the loved ones. Being a human being, it is ...